Triangle Strip

Example by Ira Greenberg. Generate a closed ring using the vertex() function and beginShape(TRIANGLE_STRIP) mode. The outsideRadius and insideRadius variables control ring’s radii respectively.

from p5 import *

x = 0
y = 0
outsideRadius = 150
insideRadius = 100

def setup():
        size(720, 400)

        global x, y
        x = width / 2
        y = height / 2

def draw():
        global x, y, outsideRadius, insideRadius

        numPoints = int(remap(mouse_x, [0, width], [6, 60]))
        angle = 0
        angleStep = 180.0 / numPoints


        for i in range(numPoints + 1):
                px = x + cos(radians(angle)) * outsideRadius
                py = y + sin(radians(angle)) * outsideRadius
                angle += angleStep
                vertex(px, py)

                px = x + cos(radians(angle)) * insideRadius
                py = y + sin(radians(angle)) * insideRadius
                vertex(px, py)

                angle += angleStep


if __name__ == '__main__':